The Continuous Craft Show

What joy in showing off a recently finished craft! What relief in finding someone who can help you work out a crafting problem! Joy, relief, pride, grief - let's exhibit them all here as we share crafts in all forms. Food, paper, wool, glass, metal - whatever the medium, we can show our finished projects and our works in progress, as well as share advice and feedback.


“I’ve learned the camera well—the danger of it, the half-truths it can tell, but also the way it fastens us to our pasts, makes grand the unadorned moment.” - Letters from Storyville, December 1911

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Baby Leggings by Christina

So, these are the leggings I posted about yesterday - I got them finished, and although they may look a little bit awkward in the leg, it had more to do with me having to get them to lie down on a slick surface than any design flaw. When laid out properly, I swear it doesn't appear that a baby would have to be oddly bowlegged or have two different length legs to wear these. It does seem like they'd have to have some pretty droopy drawers or really big diapers, but I hear that is all the rage with babies, so perhaps these will work. Anyway, they are from the book "Simple Knits for Cherished Babies" and the yarn is a mix from Frankfurt Ave called Cool Canyon. The only change I made on these is that I decided they shouldn't have built in feet (like footie pajamas) and so I made ribbing at the bottom of the pant legs instead. Otherwise, they more or less look like the pattern. I like them because they look a little like denim, but softer and maybe cuter.

So, that's one of my projects down - lots more fun things to go. Can't wait to see some of other people's crafts, too.


Blogger Laura said...

Oh, I like these, chris! They are very fun, and they do look a lot like denim - it reminds me of this pattern:

nice work! but checking your gauge would be nice too...hint hint. Especially since you want to be knitting for yourself now as well - knowing your gauge means that you can make things fit just how you like it!

love you,

4:04 PM  

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